We are getting married!
March 5th, 2023 | 18:30 WIB
We are getting hitched! and we are thrilled to celebrate it with you!
Daughter of
M. Pian Tandjoeng
Dina Purbasari
Son of
(Alm.) Tedyan Arianto
Liza Priandhini
We are doing our best to make it as enjoyable (and safe!) as possible for every guest. You can help us by confirming your plan of attendance (RSVP) in the form below
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Kehadiran dan restu dari Bapak/Ibu merupakan anugerah tersendiri bagi kami. Oleh karena itu, dengan tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, mohon maaf kami tidak menerima karangan bunga papan.
Terima kasih 😊
Thank you for your company on our wedding
We are feeling loved and grateful to have you with us <<<❣